|  בס"ד


Bais Shlomo Zalman

Age Group: Nursery
Location: 262 Delancey St. Comment: Nursery School for Ages 2-4.

East River Playroom

Group: Nursery
Location: 573 Grand St
Comment: Playroom for Ages 1-5.

Hillman Playroom

Group: Nursery
Location: 550 J Grand St
Comment: Playroom for Ages 1-5.

Seward Park Playroom

Group: Nursery
Location: 383 Grand St
Comment: Playroom for Ages 1-5.

Mesivta Tifereth Jerusalem

Group: Boys

Location: 145 East Broadway
Telphone: (212) 964-2830
Comment: Kindergarten through High School, plus beis Medrash and Kollel.

Bais Yaakov of the Lower East Side

Group: Girls
Location: 142 Broome St.
Contact: Rebbetzin Kahn
Telphone: (212) 473-4500
Comment: Kindergarten through eighth grade.

Schools that are available by school bus or van

Manhattan Day School

Group: Boys/Girls
Location: 310 West 75th St.
Telphone: (212) 376-6800
Comment: Kindergarten through eighth grade.


Group: Boys/Girls
Location: 125 East 85th St.
Telphone: (212) 774-8010
Comment: Kindergarten through eighth grade.

Yeshiva Ketana

Group: Boys
Location: 346 W 89th St.
Telphone: (212)769-1790
Comment: Kindergarten through eighth grade.